Electrosurgical unit based on ES-Vision produced by Emed.
Es3000 combines all the features of modern electrosurgery in a single mobile device. The main elements of the project are diathermy integrated with trolley-base and trolley to transport the cylinders with argon. Diathermy can be used on a ceiling service unit – without the trolley or in the set with it when the hospital does not have a ceiling service unit which is a common situation in the Polish health care.
Observed problem of chaoticaly tangled cables has been limited by the application of the retractor of the power cord, a wireless foot controller that is stored in a trolley, hiding the rear cable connectors and handle ordering cables in front.
The form of the unit, in line with the aesthetics of modern medical devices emphasizes the technical sophistication of the device. The shape and use of polyester helps to maintain the cleanliness of the unit. No protruding parts minimizes the risk of being caught up and tipping device.
status__concept / MA diploma project
where__Industrial Design Faculty / Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow / Ergonomic Design Studio
promoter__prof. Czesława Frejlich
supervision__dr Andrzej Śmiałek
cooperation__Perfekt Sobierajski and emed
The project highlighted in 2+3D’s Graduation Projects 2008/2009.
task: to design an electrosuical unit which best suits the needs of modern surgery